The FAN selection key has two or three positions: Auto and On and sometimes Circ (Circulate). If your thermostat has a mechanical clock, the model number is on a sticker on the horizontal surface above the clock. You can also check this list of our to find your model number.
If the thermostat is battery operated and the batteries are accessed from the front of the thermostat, please check the area around the batteries. After removing the thermostat, flip it over and look for the model number, which is printed on the back of the case, starting with the group of letters mentioned above. Depending on your model, the thermostat will separate from the wall-plate with moderate pressure or there might be small screws holding the device in place. If you do not have a product ID card, the fastest way to find the model number is by removing the thermostat from the wall-plate. The fastest way to see your thermostat model number is to look for it on your thermostat ID card. NexWatch never recommends using the PW-3000 or related pro 3000 honeywell installation manual.